

Photography steals the soul.


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People on the street.


Street Photography  

Photographing in:


I admit

Capturing the fleeting moment, captures.





Hunting in

the streets.

Guaranteed fun.

  Sometimes   you  get hunted.

 urban photography

Ah Ah Ah!!

people in the streets,

On the way.

A world of circles.

A wall full of circles
street photography

work in progress pestarino infante.

old man singing

statua leone urlo anziano baffi .

queue of people

persone in cornice telefono cellulare parete.

 genoa's square

pestarino de ferrari genova piazza.

 people in the street,

telefoni cellulari pestarino .

seated man, open mouth,

in attesa su panchina con tanti piccoli fantasmi.

 walls of different colors

el mostro scale con lampione.

Emergency exit

uscita di sicurezza uomo nero aspetta.


bambino vestito da carnevale recinzione.

cycle track

strada per biciblette maglietta attraversa.

Elderly people waiting, train station, skier poster,

2 anzioni con tanti nomi di città.

Banksy, woman with balloon,

pestarino palloncino banksy anziano calvo .

 woman against the wall,

sciatrice muro manifesto.

embracing woman,

water hose, jewellery, fist

v for victory

manifestazione vittoria maschera frecce.

seniors at the construction site

bastoni anziani costruzione bianca.

 wheelchair crutches ,senior handicap

oltre handicappato.

murales,sad person

pestarino derisione grafito.

never hide, superman

never hide pestarino usa .

pestarino street photography superman reads book after

superman legge libro pestarino.

pestarino street photography dancer white wall

pestarino danza notte.

pestarino street photography water boxes feet

pestarino bottigle acqua .

pestarino street photography prisoner shirt stripes senior door wood

prigioniero porta di legno pestarino.

pestarino street photography policewoman greek warrior poster

pestarino polizia eroe greco.

pestarino street photography nose ring lord of the rings

pestarino signore anelli .

manifesto intimo donna ombrello.

icaro66@gmail.comicaro66@gmail.com Woman in Milan ,modern building nearby,woman with child, separate wardscyclist in the sun, pedal,