

Photography steals the soul.


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It is the era of man, that period in which human beings have a huge impact on the entire earth's ecosystem.

abandoned rubbish

In our skies, carbon dioxide and methane have reached the highest concentration of the last 65 million years,

 tree shade

The average world production of waste per person is estimated at around 3.38 kg per day.


pigeon wings,
ANTHROPOCENE , signals from the anthropocene, anthropocene, nature and the environment, nature and man, modern era, man in nature, pestarino,roberto, oil tanker offshore, smoking oil tanker, oil tanker silhouette, ship silhouette, ship on the horizon, ship offshore, cargo ship, ship on the way, railing, waterfront road, small plant, plant in concreteANTHROPOCENE , signals from the anthropocene, anthropocene, nature and environment, nature and man, modern era, man in nature, pestarino, roberto, fog in the fields, foggy world, dense fog, roof chimneys, chimneys shrouded in fog, dry shrubs, ANTHROPOCENE , signals from the anthropocene, anthropocene, nature and the environment, nature and man, modern era, man in nature, pestarino,roberto, oil tanker, polluting ship, ship in the background, ship on the horizon, steel balustrades, small plant,ANTHROPOCENE , signals from the anthropocene, anthropocene, nature and the environment, nature and man, modern era, man in nature, pestarino, roberto, fuel silos, dead bird, lying bird, fuel containers, hydrocarbon storage, refinery, oil silos, fuel silos, stored paraffin ,ANTHROPOCENE , signals from the anthropocene, anthropocene, nature and the environment, nature and man, modern era, man in nature, pestarino,roberto, tulip, background anonymous buildings, blocks of flats, concrete everywhere, flowers against concrete, row of buildings, photographyanthropocene butterfly blue holeseyJlbiI6ImFudGhyb3BvY2VuZSBkZXNlcnQgYXJpZGl0eSBmbG9vZHMgY2hhaXIiLCJpdCI6ImFudHJvcG9jZW5lIHNlZGlhIGFyaWRpdOAgZmFuZ28gaW5vbmRhemlvbmUifQ==anthropocene sos dead road animaleyJlbiI6ImFudGhyb3BvY2VuZSBhcmlkIGJ1c2hlcyB0cmVlIiwiaXQiOiJhbnRyb3BvY2VuZSBhcmlkaXTgIGNlc3B1Z2xpIHNlY2NoaSBhbGJlcm8gbW9ydG8ifQ==anthropocene arid bushes tree